Big Henry - Big Italia Mix

From Big Henry IG:

“I made a mix with Italian songs from the 60s and 70s. Link in bio and in my stories. This goes to nostalgic expats and curious minds. There are obvious cliches choices and I'm not apologetic about it. Cliches, like anything else, hit different when out of their context. My context is made of a distance that is always shifting.

I picked these two decades because of the contrast between the two, a beginning marked by economical boom to fade into the violence of the "years of lead". Italy is a place that gets fetishized in many ways but that also has a very complex post second world war history that few outside its borders know about. There are clips from movies and from tv news in here too. Some of those are funny stuff.

Those are also the decades my parents went from being kids to teenagers and maybe they fell in love to some of these songs.

Me after all, and this in between me and you, I mostly lacked sense of belonging, my history the one of someone who wanders and observe, yet craves for the sense of lost familiarity, sometimes, when obtained, even despised. I still walk around finding beauty in both the simplest things as in the sophistication of a life full of self inflicted distractions. We seek the sacred and the secular. But that's a story for another day and I want you to know these songs have some of that familiar sense. It's the reassuring luxury of having something you can't help but viscerally love and hate at the same time, speaking of cliches, and what a blessing that is, because how can you love something that almost crushed you and yet who are you if you can only hate it? Or what kind of person are you if you don’t have those feelings at all. I lay my head on dichotomies like they are a soul's uncomfortable pillow, I dream of grey areas to explore anxiously. And these songs are as for me as they are for you whoever and wherever you are, I just hope you enjoy them. Xox

“I only eat roots, because roots are important””

MusicRicardo Carlota